NAWS Announcement 10/28/20

Hello! We are writing with more information about the upcoming open webinar on virtual meetings. Time The webinar will be this Saturday, 31 October, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm, Pacific Daylight Time (Sunday for those of you across the dateline). Log-in information is at the...

NAWS Announcement 10/14/20

Hello, We have scheduled the next open webinar on virtual meetings for 31 October, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm, Pacific Daylight Time. Save the date! Like the last open webinar on virtual meetings, members will share their experience, and then there will be time for questions...

October 2020 Region and All Subs Zoom Schedule

All subs is coming up, please check out the following times and dates for each committee’s zoom meeting. You can view the full announcement by click “Read More” or Hovering over “Home” then clicking “Announcements to find the full...

NAWS Toolbox Project Update 9/25/20

Hello, We are emailing you today as you have expressed an interest in the Local Service Toolbox Project. We are happy to let you know that we have posted GSR Basics online here, along with two GSR report templates and the service structure diagram...

NAWS Announcement 9/10/20

Hello, New Recovery Literature We have a new IP! The 2020 World Service Conference unanimously approved the pamphlet, Mental Health in Recovery as our newest piece of recovery literature. The pamphlet, IP #30, is now posted on and is available for purchase from...

NAWS Announcement 7/7/20

Hello, We hope you all are keeping well. We are writing again so soon after our last email because we wanted to let you know about a web meeting open to all interested members on the topic of next steps for online meetings. The log-in information is at the bottom of...

NAWS Announcement 6/30/20

Hello everyone, We are writing to let you know about some literature deals, to remind you about the PR survey, to give an update about virtual meetings, and to remind you about the SPAD project. Literature Deals The Chatsworth branch of the World Service Office is...