Zoom Password Required Announcement

Yesterday Zoom announced that they are forcing all zoom meetings to have a passwords enabled, since many NA meetings who are meeting through Zoom did not have a Password set this is going to effect those meetings. Please update your webservant and members who are...


March 31, 2020 Dear NA Members, We regret that we have made the difficult decision to cancel WNIRCNA 2020 that was to be held in Pendleton on May 15-17, 2020. The Washington Northern Idaho Region and 2020 WNIRNA Host committee have been monitoring the COVID-19...

NAWS Update 3/31/20

Hello everyone, We hope you are keeping well. CAR Survey Don’t forget that individual responses to the CAR survey are due soon. We are extending the deadline through the end of the day Sunday, 5 April. You can find links to the survey in Arabic, English, French,...

Region Announcement 3-28-20

Hello members of the Washington Northern Idaho Region. At this time many of us have concerns about the uncertainty of the future, however, we wanted to let you know that the WNIR Admins are working together to connect us during this unprecedented time. Along with...

Area’s With Virtual Meetings

The following area’s have virtual meetings listed either on their home page, or under the meeting section of their website. (Because of the number of virtual meetings, the most acurate information should be provided on the area’s website)...

NAWS Update 3/18/20

Hello everyone, Judging by the number of calls and emails we have received, NA seems to be adapting quickly all around the world to the challenges of COVID 19. This email is about the ways in which we find ourselves having to adapt. It covers: Virtual MeetingsReduced...

Virtual Meeting Tutorials

To make joining virtual meetings more accessible the Regional IT committee has created Tutorials on how to Host Virtual Meetings, and How to Join Zoom meetings via Smart Phone, and by dialing in with non smart phones. If there is a need for more tutorials please let...

Set up Free Virtual NA Meeting

Hello All, Over the last few days WNIRNA IT has had discussions over the COVID-19 situation that happening around our communities; over the last few days there have been requests from homegroups to use the Regions Zoom license to host their NA meetings. We only pay...

NA World Services Statement Regarding Coronavirus

NA World ServicesStatement Regarding Coronavirus We have had many inquiries and questions about health concerns regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19). While it is not our role to make statements regarding health issues, we encourage NA groups to discuss the situations...