NAWS Announcement 6/30/20

Hello everyone, We are writing to let you know about some literature deals, to remind you about the PR survey, to give an update about virtual meetings, and to remind you about the SPAD project. Literature Deals The Chatsworth branch of the World Service Office is...

NAWS E-mail 6/10/20

Hello everyone, We hope you are keeping well. We wanted to draw your attention to a couple of newly posted items at a PR survey and the latest issue of NAWS News. PR Survey The NA Fellowship has gotten a lot of positive attention for our rapid response to...

NAWS Update 5/26/20

Hello, We are emailing you today as you have expressed an interest in the Local Service Toolbox Project. We are happy to let you know that we have posted the final draft of GSR Basics online here The draft will be available to review until the end...

NAWS Announcement 5-13-20

Greetings! We are writing with news about the Spiritual Principle a Day (SPAD) review drafts and online workshop as well PR Week. We also want to remind members to send us experience with online recovery meetings and NA service. SPAD Review Drafts We’ve just posted...

Sisters In Spirit Cancellation Notice

SISTERS IN SPIRIT WOMEN’S RETREAT May 1, 2020 Hello Sisters: Sisters In Spirit has some very sad news. Due to the COVID 19, Christa Camps, Miracle Ranch and Island Lake, will not be open this Summer, and will go into hibernation through April 2021. We believe this...

SINAC 2020 Canceled

With the worldwide issues affecting us all and a heavy heart, the SINAC2020 Committee has decided to cancel all upcoming fundraisers and the July SINAC2020. This is not a decision that comes lightly. For all of us, as a committee, we wanted to reach a spiritual and...

NAWS Update 4/23/20

Hello everyone, WCNA 37 recordings At this time of isolation, it is our hope that being able to listen to the words from the speakers from the 2018 World Convention will bring comfort. Image Audiovisuals is making the library of speaker meetings available at no charge...

AP, WSC Observers, virtual meetings and more

Hello everyone, We hope you are keeping well. We have a lot to cover in this update. Annual Report We have posted the 2018-2019 Annual Report We do not have immediate plans to produce the Annual Report in Brief, but we hope you take the...

NAWS Announcement 4/8/20

We want to first thank you for the extraordinary response to our first decision making poll. We received responses from 120 Conference participants – 96.8% of regional and zonal delegates.  We are grateful that there was clear support for a direction for us to...