
This email includes announcements about:

Conference Approval Track (CAT) material posted

The Conference Approval Track material has just been posted to www.na.org/conference. A Guide to World Services in NA (GWSNA) explains:

The Conference Approval Track contains a variety of material to be considered at the upcoming World Service Conference that was not included in the Conference Agenda Report. . . . Having a separate approval track from the CAR allows for materials intended for committees and boards, such as handbooks or service manuals, to be distributed directly to conference participants 90 days before the WSC, allowing time for delegates to workshop it in a manner that fits within their local community. Each local community can determine for itself how the material will be reviewed and how to direct their delegate. . . .

Items that typically are included in the CAT include the proposed NAWS Budget and project plans for the upcoming cycle, seating requests, and recommendations from the World Board, as well as other service- or WSC-related material.

There are twelve motions associated with the CAT material. The motion list is on page 4. If you are uncertain how your region approaches the CAT motions, ask your GSR to find out from the area meeting.

Job openings

We just posted several job openings: www.na.org/jobsto replace staff who are leaving as well as to add staff where very much needed. All of these jobs are located in our Chatsworth, California facility (not remote). If you are local to the office, are looking for a job, and have at least two years clean, check out the listings. And please help us spread the word. Questions and resumes to hr@na.org

Service Day

Service Day is every year on 1 May. It’s a great occasion to plan a local workshop or event focused on giving back. We posted a flyer at www.na.org/nawsevents.If you’re looking for a nice way to thank your favorite trusted servant, “I Serve” pins are available for $5 (item #9600 at our webstore: https://cart-us.na.org/3-specialty-products/i-serve-pin-9600).

Thank you for trusting us to serve,

World Board