
We want to remind you about a couple of surveys we have posted at na.org/survey through the end of May. Please take the time to fill them out and tell your friends.

The Relative Role of Project Components in NA is a survey put together by researchers who believe in NA and have used research articles to highlight the program’s effectiveness to other professionals. This kind of cooperation helps addicts find Narcotics Anonymous. 

Virtual NA Meetings: Connecting to the Service System (Spanish linkPolish link) is focused on how virtual meetings are connecting to the rest of the NA Fellowship, including NA service delivery. Among other questions, the survey asks if you believe that virtual meetings meet the criteria to be considered NA groups. Responses will help to frame a conversation for the next World Service Conference.

NAWS Report Video
We have also posted the video and PowerPoint from our NAWS Report webinar 21 March at na.org/media. The video is the second link on the video page. The PowerPoint is the first link on the FD resources page.

And don’t forget:

Service Day Web Meeting
We are holding a web meeting 1 May, which is Service Day, 11am-1pm, Pacific Daylight Time, on Fellowship Development around the world. You don’t want to miss this one. We will send a link when it’s closer to the day, and the link will be posted to na.org/webinar.

The Spiritual Principle a Day Book Project has posted the last set of spiritual principles for members to write on, and the second-to-last set of entries to review and input at na.org/spad. Anyone can contribute to the project. NA literature is written by addicts like you.

Thank you to everyone who has helped us reach a monthly total of more than $20,000 in recurring contributions. We still have a long way to go to meet our financial goals, but we appreciate every step in that direction. We have posted a QR code that points to na.org/contribute for groups to use on-screen if they wish. You can find it under the World Service Contributions heading of the On-Screen Resources section at na.org/virtual.

Thank you everyone for all you do for NA!

World Board