
We have lots of news. This email covers:

Recovery Tools Survey

What recovery tools are important to you? We have posted a short survey put together by a couple of researchers with whom we have cooperated in the past: www.na.org/survey. Their aim is to publish an article for addiction professionals about what is important to members in recovery. As we have reported in the past, cooperating with these researchers has resulting in articles that help professionals to see Narcotics Anonymous as a viable program of recovery. Bear in mind as you take the survey that it was composed by outside researchers and not World Services. Many of the terms used in the survey are not defined or stated as we in NA would define them or say them. Perhaps the most glaring example of this is the definition of relapse. Please know the way this term is used reflects a perspective from the medical community and not NA World Services’ perspective or the understanding of NA as a whole.

The survey will be online through the end of May. We encourage you to share this survey with as many members as you can. We are a Fellowship centered in the therapeutic value of one addict helping another. The more members who fill out the survey, the more we can all learn what recovery tools have played an important role at various points in members’ recovery.

Local Service Toolbox Survey and Outline

We are taking the next steps for our project on virtual meetings: www.na.org/toolbox.

We posted an outline of virtual meetings’ best practices. As we receive input on the outline and more information from the Fellowship, we will post updated versions. Check it out, and let us know what you think: toolbox@na.org.

We are also collecting information through another short survey—this one is about how virtual meetings are connecting to the wider world of NA and NA service delivery. This is also the topic of this weekend’s webinar (see below). This topic is new to many of us. Sharing any experience you have is a service to NA as a whole.

One of the questions in the survey is whether you believe virtual meetings meet the criteria listed in The Group Booklet to be considered NA groups. The survey results will inform discussions on the issue at the next World Service Conference. Thank you in advance for filling out the survey and helping to spread the word. 

See the report posted on the project page www.na.org/toolbox for more detail.  

March Webinars

We have two webinars this month open to any interested member. Both are 11am-1pm Pacific Time. Note that the US will change from Standard Time to Daylight Time between the two webinars.

You can download flyers by clicking the thumbnails and right clicking the full image: www.na.org/webinar

13 March: How do virtual meetings connect to the service system?

Zoom webinar ID: 995 4708 9201

20 March: NAWS Update: current activity at NA World Services

Zoom webinar ID: 948 1479 3098

Both webinars will have presentations, and then members connected through Zoom will be able to type in questions for the presenters. There will be interpreters for Portuguese and Spanish members in both webinars, and also for Italian and Russian members for the webinar on the 13th. If you speak another language and have an interpreter you can bring to the webinar, let us know: worldboard@na.org.

The webinars will also be livestreamed, and that link will be posted to the toolbox page a few minutes before the webinars begin: www.na.org/toolbox.

Virtual Meeting Form

You can find information for virtual meetings by entering web or phone as a country at the prompt on the meeting search tab at www.na.org/meetingsearch. We get that information from trusted servants, and now we have a form that is designed specifically for virtual meeting information. Find it from the link at the top of the Virtual NA Meeting Resources page: www.na.org/virtual 

Service Day

Service Day is every year on 1 May. You can find a flyer at www.na.org/dates and www.na.org/nawsevents. We are planning a webinar 11am-1pm Service Day this year devoted to the gifts of NA service. A panel of members from around the world will share their experiences in all kinds of NA service, and there will be time to ask questions.

Have you seen the I SERVE pins? They are a pretty nifty gift for your favorite trusted servant. You can buy them at www.na.org/webstore.

Let us know how you plan to celebrate: worldboard@na.org.

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World Board