First Narcotics Anonymous Public Relations Week
We are excited to announce the First Narcotics Anonymous Public Relations Week, scheduled for 3-9 June 2019. This event will take place the first week of June each year. The theme and slogan for this years PR Week is We All Are PR.
We encourage every area, regional, and zonal PR subcommittee to commit to at least one activity during PR week. We are offering suggestions, but we look forward to your creative choices of what works best for your subcommittee and your NA community. Whether your PR team is young or seasoned, rural or urban; whether you have just a few or many members, we hope you will all come together enthusiastically to increase awareness of PR service and of the NA recovery program.
Check out the PR Activity page, which will include a PR Week link where, we will offer ideas for t-shirts, samples of flyers and posters, and a link to local resources submitted by worldwide PR subcommittees:
If youre seeking PR tools for your PR Week event, you may order from and receive a 10% discount by [entering the code PRWEEK] [including the code PRWEEK in the comments section of your order].
If you have any questions, please write Please take pictures of your activities, (bearing in mind that we cannot publicly publish photos of members faces), and send to
Hello again. Unfortunately, in our excitement to announce the first NA PR Week, we were not as clear as we needed to be about the 10% discount on PR tools. During the period 9 March-31 May 2019, we are lowering the cost of PR tools by 10%. You will not need to enter a discount code in your order. We apologize for any confusion, and we hope the 10% price reduction on materials to distribute to professionals will help to support your PR Week events.
The PR Week 10% price reduction is applicable to the following items:
#2301NA Membership Survey
#2303European Membership Survey
#2302Information about NA
#2306NA and Persons Receiving Medication Assisted Treatment
#2307Public Relations Pamphlet Holder (blue hard card stock)
#2308PR Pens
#2309PR tote bags
Please visit the Public Relations Activities webpage for more information and ideas about PR Week: If you have any questions or concerns, please write to And please send your PR Week photos to We wish you well in your PR Week activities.