Re-posted from the NAWS Newsletter ( titled, “Traditions Book Review and Input, WCNA 36 news, etc.” sent on November 5th, 2014.

Traditions Book

Many members have been waiting for the opportunity to see and give input on the first drafts of the Traditions Book. Well, that process has begun. The introduction and Tradition One of the book are posted here. Unlike the password-protected R&I drafts we have used in the past, this PDF can be accessed without a password. However, because it is only draft material, the PDF will expire and the material in the document will no longer be accessible after that point. Please note that some web browsers will not display the PDF correctly; our recommendation is that you download the file to your local drive and open it using a PDF viewer such as Adobe Acrobat.

We look forward to hearing your feedback. The deadline for this review period is 31 January 2015, but the sooner you can send in your input, the better. Input on this first chapter and introduction will help us learn whether the overall structure works and what the fellowship would like to see different, not just in this chapter and intro but in the piece overall.


We know a number of you are anxious for news about the convention, but unfortunately, we have no specifics to give you. We are working with our third housing vendor; however, we are more confident with this housing vendor and expect to provide you with specific information in the near future. In the meantime, we encourage members in North America who are planning to attend this world convention to begin the visa process now.  For the most recent information, please go to

To read the full NAWS Update, click here.