Update on Upcoming NAWS Webinars **Rural Areas PLZ Take Note**
At the beginning of May NA World Services will be planning a web meeting to begin discussing our next draft toolâsomething to benefit those who are serving in rural or isolated communities. World Services has been holding web meetings roughly each quarter to help support those trusted servants, and we would like to develop a tool of some kind to capture some of the experience and best practices that have been shared. This is the item that scored second highest on the Local Service Toolbox survey we had posted (with CBDM Basics scoring highest). We will have more information about this meeting shortly before the date. In the meantime, we can tell you that we will probably take a similar approach to the CBDM Basics first web meeting where we broke into small groups so that everyone could discuss what they would most like to see in a tool developed for rural and isolated service. For a collection of resources and recorded web meetings on the subject see www.na.org/ruralservice.
The next two meetings after that will be in June to collect input on the draft of CBDM Basics that is posted at www.na.org/toolbox. We also have an form posted at www.na.org/toolbox to get your input on the draft, and we encourage everyone to share their thoughts there as well. At the two June meetings we’ll be talking about what you would like to see changed (cut, added, further explained, etc.) in the draft.
Wednesday 3 May, 1-2:30 pm PST: Rural and Isolated Service Brainstorming meeting to talk about what to include in a tool
Saturday 17 June, 1-2:30 pm PST: CBDM Basics input
Tuesday 20 June, 1-2:30 pm PST: CBDM Basics input
Please let us know if you have any questions. We will email you again before the May meeting with log-in instructions and any further information we have.
Thank you all for your service,
The Toolbox Team
2nd Qtr Regional Delegate Report April 2017
Regional Delegate Quarterly Report
Washington Northern Idaho Region
Dear Family:
It has been a busy quarter for the RD team. The following are the bulleted items for this report:
Expenses for Regional Delegate and Alternate Delegate this past quarter
NAWS Work Plan Project Updates these are to familiarize members with what’s being done in World Service and ways to be involved should members from your area chose to get involved.
Report from Western States Zonal Forum Feb 23-26th
RD Team hosts History Presentations at Clean and Free March 10 11th
RD conducted 3 newcomer workshops at Clean and Free
Clean and Free PR issues and the Need for Discussion around Behavior Affecting NA
Conference Participants Webinars January 28th and March 18th
RD assisted South Puget Sound Area with an Inventory March 25th along with Jeff H from NWWSC
RD visited SPSASC, TCASC and plans on the remaining ASCs in the last quarter of his term
RD conducted IDT workshops in WPSA Feb 19th
Upcoming Election for Alternate Delegate and suggestion/motion for future term of the Delegates
Expenses of the Regional Delegate Team Total=$1,514.15+misc:
Alternate Delegate check request of $613.36+misc
WSZF Phoenix flight (289.20), ½ hotel (170.20), Transport to SEA(24.90) from (32.57) = $516.87
Clean and Free Hotel (60.93), gas 254 miles (35.56) = 96.49
Misc. expenses for gas, hotel and copies for RSC not included in this report
Regional Delegate Expense Report = $900.79+misc:
WSZF Phoenix flight ($224.40), ½ hotel ($210.96), Food expense ($149.71), Transport to and from SeaTac ($41.10) = $626.17
Hotel in Clean and Free = ($95)
Gas Travel Ocean Shores, SPSASC(x2), Tri-Cities ASC, other ASC travel = $179.62
Misc. expenses for gas, hotel and copies for ASC Inventories not included in this report
The following are bulleted items from the January 2017 NAWS News publication:
2016 2018 NAWS Work Plan Project Updates:
Recovery Literature: Input is being sought on an IP on recovery and mental health/mental
illness (www.na.org/mhmi) and a daily meditation project (www.na.org/meditationbook). Input
deadline is 1 June 2017.
Conventions and Events Tools: All experienced or interested members are asked to assist in
developing this resource. Submit your name to conventions@na.org and attend the first web
meeting 4 February 2017, 2:00 pm (PST). Updates will be posted to www.na.org/conventions.
Local Service Toolbox: There is a survey to prioritize tools at www.na.org/toolbox, and
members interested in participating can submit their names at toolbox@na.org. The first web
meeting, which covered CBDM, was held 17 January 2017.
Collaboration in Service: This will initially focus on collaborating with regional delegates in the
NAWS strategic planning process. Questions to ask delegates to gather input for the environmental
scan have been sent out, with a deadline of 30 April 2017 for responses.
Future of the WSC: Discussions this cycle will focus on WSC processes, use of the time between
Conferences, and the future of seating. A report for ideas about WSC processes will be out in the
near future. A virtual seating workgroup will be formed again this cycle. Interested delegates are
encouraged to contact us.
Fellowship Development and Public Relations: We are beginning this project by talking with
zones about ideas to improve our PR efforts. Please let us know if you have a zonal contact at
Social Media as a PR Tool: We are continuing to investigate the use of social media by other
non-profits and twelve-step programs. Initial research did not yield much of an NA PR presence.
Please contact pr@na.org if you have experience with this.
Issue Discussion Topics: Material for this cycle’s IDTs is available online at www.na.org/idt.
Delegates Sharing Workgroup: We are currently contacting workgroup members and the first
meeting will be in the next few months. Email session ideas to delegatessharing@na.org.
Your RD team was in Phoenix, AZ on Feb 23-26 for the Western States Zonal Forum. The Western
States Zonal Forum is a service-oriented sharing session that joins the regions of the Western States Zone to
collectively share our service challenges and share our solutions to challenges through annual meetings and
ongoing communication. The Forum provides training opportunities to benefit zonal and local members and
their service bodies. The interaction and collaborative exchange with NAWS and the World Board serves our
body and helps us prepare for the WSC and supports Fellowship development.
The agenda for the weekend was as follows: California Collaboration Meeting (Bonner Attended), Regional
Reports, Workgroup discussion, What’s working with the Zone and what needs to be changed, Planning
Sessions 1) Lack of Trusted Servants, Scanning and Planning, and work groups, Future of the WSC Project
and WSC Processes with future of seating, NAWS Update and Open Discussion, Zonal Timeline and Wrap
Up, Workgroup Changes, guidelines and 2018 WSZF Bid.
Several items were of note to report back to the Region. First and foremost, we have been asked to bring
back to all 13 regions the question of creating an administrative body for the Zone with some nominal
fund flow. In the past, it has been stated that the Zone does not participate in the delivery of services and
thus does not need fund flow. However, with the mission statement above about training and collaboration
this is the provision of ‘services’ and there does need to be some coordination in the delivery of this service.
It is not efficient or effective to continue to operate the manner in which it currently is due to turn over in
RDs and other service members. It will be our intention to take a pulse via straw poll from the Areas in our
region to address how WNIR feels about adding the zone to the fund flow and also in the future the
possibility of using the zone as representation at WSC (although this is NOT currently a proposal). It is
important not that the RD team has some yea or nay vote but that we know how the Region feels should
the vote come up in the future.
The future of the World Service Conference was reported on and without going into an exhaustive report
about what may or may not be changing, it was clear that the World Board truly listened to the Conference
last year with regard to how we made decisions and how inefficient the process was. George reported how
ridiculous that process had become after he and Bonner got back from WSC. The WB is suggesting changes
that would do away with a second formal parliamentary process and take the final consensus vote as the final
vote (thank HP). Even the most contentious members of the conference are saying thank you thank you
thank you. This will make for a more deliberative and collaborative conference where we move to set the
tone for the future of NA globally.
The next zonal forum will be held in Fairbanks Alaska next January. Yes, you heard that correctly, January in
Fairbanks. This will be the opportunity for Regions to come together and share what they have learned from
their members so far about the Conference Agenda Report (CAR) and Conference Approval Track (CAT) by
then. WNIR were leaders last cycle with how much input we had gathered already and other regions are
going to follow that example for next year.
Finally, one piece of housekeeping came to the table at the Zonal Forum about our Region’s election cycle
for AD. Currently, we elect in July (We believe) because the Zonal Forum used to meet in July. What this
means is that the new AD will get elected and do little until the CAR report comes out in November 25th. I
believe that NOT THIS but next cycle we should adjust the cycle to elect in January and the new incoming
AD will be able to attend the Zone as a new AD and then have the rest of the year to get up to speed before
the CAR comes out and then attend another zone meeting before their first conference. This is crucial to feel
comfortable at the conference. The outgoing RD will be able to assist with Clean and Free and WNIRCNA
workshops but this change in cycle will allow for increased mentorship looking ahead to the next conference.
Mar9-12 was Clean & Free 2017! The Host Committee invited Boyd & Chris both from N.Carolina to
present their excellent & painstakingly well-researched workshops on the Early History of NA as well as the
History of the Basic Text at C&F in lieu of our regular RD workshops there. The feedback from attendees
was over the moon and Best Workshop Ever. We were very excited to hear such response. It would be
great to make sure that this workshop is available again in the future. For everyone’s information about cost
to have this workshop it is airfare and hotel for one or both of the presenters, it would also be good to
include registration for them as well. Seattle International Convention 2018 is considering bringing one or
both of them out for the History of the Traditions workshop next July.
The RD also conducted three New Comer workshops at Clean and Free as adapted from Northern
California workshop for conventions. These were also a big success.
I am sure that this will not be the only report about NA behavior and its effect on the community of Ocean
Shores, however, the RD team was included on a string of emails that detailed some individual members
behavior at Clean and Free that does not put our fellowship in a good light. We believe that one way to deal
with this is to develop some local tools that can be used to educate members about appropriate behavior and
Public Relations and what it means to us to be responsible, productive members of society. It is also
believed that behavior of some nature will be one of the selections in the upcoming CAR for Issue
Discussion Topics. If it truly is a problem globally we will see that IDT selected by consensus. In the
meantime, we can be proactive.
Bonner was able to be a participant on three Conference Participants Webinars January 28th, March 18th
and April 8th. These had 50-100 participants from the conference and is a great way to do strategic planning
between conferences. George was unable to attend due to work and/or vacation plans. The reports from the
Webinars will be available soon from the small group work. These were mostly about the Future of the WSC
and the most efficient use of Conference time for strategic planning.
The RSC Inventory will take place at the July RSC. Dave T, RD of the San Diego Imperial Region has agreed
to come up and facilitate this inventory. We will put in a money motion for his Airfare from LA and he should
be able to room with the RD in his hotel room.
The turn-over of the RD position to our Alternate Delegate occurs during July RSC, which means that our
next AD will be voted in then. So far, Jeff H. and Theo M. have identified themselves as interested in taking
on this huge responsibility. They are both incredibly qualified and we would be very fortunate to have either
of them represent us at the WSC. We have included them as participants in ASC inventories & also for the
upcoming WNIRCNA RD workshops as they are available to promote mentorship/training of the RD team
positions. Jeff was available to help with the SPSASC Inventory and lent invaluable assistance for it. They
are both present this weekend, please take the time to ask them any questions you would like about running
for AD. Anyone interested in being nominated for this time consuming yet exciting & fulfilling service
position is encouraged to contact either Bonner or George. Refer to Article XIII, Sec5-6 in our RSC
guidelines for those position’s Duties & Qualifications.
Bonner as stated above conducted the SPSASC inventory down in Olympia on Mar25. The inventory was
based upon our new Guiding Principles book from where the inventory questions were lifted. To the best of
my knowledge, this was the first ever inventory, ASC or otherwise, conducted using Guiding Principles
Fellowship-wide. Jeff H drove down from NWWSC to assist me with it. I could not have done it without
him. Love & hugs to Jeff! More will be revealed as to the effectiveness of that inventory
Bonner will be available to conduct ASC inventories and/or IDT workshops until the July RSC. He plans to
visit the NPHASC, GCLASC, SKCASC, & CWASC before then, as well, as a hint for Eastern Washington
Areas wanting these services conducted for them before Jul14. He also will be doing the Atmosphere of
Recovery in Service IDT at a Central Washington Area event here in Ellensburg on Saturday May6.
As ever, Bonner and George remain at your disposals for any questions of us regarding RSC or NAWS. We
also make ourselves available to conduct ASC inventories. WE ARE HERE FOR YOU!!
In loving service:
Bonner S, RD George B-H, AD
Regional_Delegate@WNIRNA.org Alt_Regional_Delegate@WNIRNA.org
from the NAWS Apr2017 Update…
NAWS has posted the Annual Report. You can find the report online here www.na.org/ar2016 or order a hard copy from NAWS customer service or online shopping cart: http://www.na.org/?ID=OrderLiteratureOnline-content
Along with the Annual Report, for the first time NAWS has created a printable infographic Annual Report in Brief that captures some of the key data in the report. The AR in Brief is posted in two different formats, both of which are intended for print rather than reading online.
Project Reminders
A few reminder about these important input deadlines:
- Mental Health/Illness IP Project Ideas about what you would like to see in such an IP are due 1 June. For more information: www.na.org/mhmi
- Daily Meditation Book Ideas about what you would like to see in a new meditation book are due 1 June. For more information:www.na.org/meditationbook
- Convention & Events Toolbox: A draft of a potential tool for those working on convention and events program is posted for input until 15 June www.na.org/conventions
- Local Service ToolboxA draft of CBDM Basics has been posted for input until 5 July www.na.org/toolbox
…latest from NAWS: seeking input for a local service Toolbox.
PLEASE respond if you or your area have experience with Consensus Based Decision Making and its implementation at your group or area level… the links should work from here but if not, then GOTO: http://m.na.org/?ID=toolbox to give input!
Thanks much in advance!
Bonner S, RD
Local Service Toolbox Project
We are excited to be working on a local service toolbox; a collection of tools that reflect our Fellowship’s best practices and experiences delivering services locally. The 2016 Conference Agenda Report asked members to identify priorities for new or revised service materials, and local/area tools/toolbox was the first priority identified. We already have some materials, such as PR, Planning, and H&I Basics, but there are so many more we lack or that we have not revised or adapted in years. The Basics seem to be a good approach for us because they are perhaps less overwhelming than a large handbook, and they are easier to translate and revise. We believe a toolbox with small-scale pieces will have the same advantages. Our first such piece is CBDM Basics, and you will find a draft below. Whether you are a service veteran or an area service newcomer, we could use your help.
What can you do?
Sign up for project updates by emailing toolbox@na.org Give input on the CBDM Basics draft posted below by 5 July 2017 Send us any tools that have been helpful locally sample agendas, workshops, guidelines, policies, budgeting tools, project outlines, you name it. If it’s helped your local service delivery, it will probably help others.
Share your ideas and experience in our local service toolbox web meetings. These will be announced to all who signed up at toolbox@na.org Help spread the word and raise awareness locally
CBDM Basics draft – input due 5 July 2017 – PDF CBDM Basics Input Form
Latest Info From NAWS Regarding Upcoming Webinars!

January 2017 RSC Regional Delegate Report

October 2016 RD Team Report
Regional Delegate Quarterly Report
Washington Northern Idaho Region
Hello Family:
The past quarter has been full and fun but there is not ton of business to report. The most important piece of information to report on is that the new book Guiding Principles: The spirit of our Traditions is now availble to order! NAWS is now filling order of cases but also individual orders as well. If you want to order from NAWS please be patient. These re our trusted special workers trying to get new literature out to the entire English speaking NA population.
The RD tem is getting ready to attend Western Service Learning Days in San Diego, Oct21-23, the same weekend s PNWCN. We look forward to bringing back information regarding our issue discussion topics as well as items that are of importance looking forward to the decisions at the next World Service Conference.
The RD tem was able to network with folks round the region at SINAC and Bonner attended re meetings in Lower Columbia, Everett, Grays Harbor, Seattle and the GSF/LSB in Chelan Douglas County. He also conducted n re Inventory for North Olympic Peninsula in Port Angeles.
The World Board met in Los Angeles couple of weeks ago and we are looking forward to receiving any important information that the board would like passed along to the fellowship. At the time of this report there has been nothing reported in NAWS News. If you have not yet subscribed to NAWS News you can do so at NA.org. also, as we have previously discussed you can purchase the new Recovery Companion app at either Google or the app store. This app is great for literature, meetings, checking in with a sponsor or purchasing books directly from NAWS. Utilizing this app will help your recovery and benefit NAWS.
A couple of addicts have asked the RD team about CAR motions and how they get in there. We wanted to make sure that we cleared this up so that everyone could have this information if needed. If your homegroup would like to see changes made that affect NA as a whole, it can pass a motion through your area and your RCM can bring that motion here to RSC. The RD team, as well as other experienced members, can help to wordsmith your motion so that it is clear, concise and well written. If the RSC then passes this motion, the RD team can submit the motion to the World Board. At that point, our assigned World Board Member would help us wordsmith further details to make sure that the motion is ready to be distributed Fellowship wide. There is nothing worse than having to explain a poorly worded motion in the CAR. If you, or your area, have any questions about this process please see either one of us and we will assist you. We are here to help!
In loving service,
RD Tem
Bonner S, RD and George B-H, AD
Issue Discussion Topics & Recovery Literature Projects
This was sent to 2016WSC Participants on Oct17. PLEASE utilize the literature project links for input to NAWS on upcoming literature… Bonner S, RD
IDT: Coming soon to a website near you. NAWS & the World Board working on finalizing the Issue Discussion Topic material for this cycle and will post session outlines and PowerPoints at www.na.org/idt when they are finalized. The topics this cycle are
- applying our principles to technology and social media
- the second bullet point of our vision statement and atmosphere of recovery
- an introduction to our new book Guiding Principles
Recovery Literature Projects: We are collecting input to help shape two recovery literature projects that will be included in the project plans for consideration at WSC 2018. One is a meditation book and another is an IP on recovery and mental illness/mental health. We have posted webpages for each project with input questions online to fill out and downloadable forms you can use for your local workshops. Please spread the word to any interested addict. More voices means better literature.
Mediation book page: www.na.org/meditationbook
Mental illness/mental health IP page: www.na.org/mhmi
Issue Discussion Topics & Recovery Literature Projects
This was sent to 2016WSC Participants on Oct17. PLEASE utilize the literature project links for input to NAWS on upcoming literature… Bonner S, RD
IDT: Coming soon to a website near you. NAWS & the World Board working on finalizing the Issue Discussion Topic material for this cycle and will post session outlines and PowerPoints at www.na.org/idt when they are finalized. The topics this cycle are
- applying our principles to technology and social media
- the second bullet point of our vision statement and atmosphere of recovery
- an introduction to our new book Guiding Principles
Recovery Literature Projects: We are collecting input to help shape two recovery literature projects that will be included in the project plans for consideration at WSC 2018. One is a meditation book and another is an IP on recovery and mental illness/mental health. We have posted webpages for each project with input questions online to fill out and downloadable forms you can use for your local workshops. Please spread the word to any interested addict. More voices means better literature.
Mediation book page: www.na.org/meditationbook
Mental illness/mental health IP page: www.na.org/mhmi
The new Traditions book, Guiding Principles: The Spirit of Our Traditions is NOW available from NAWS
Just a heads up that NAWS has published the new Traditions book after a 6yr+ process since its inception! It is now avail for purchase from www.NA.org. $11 per book, or $264/Hard Cover case-24ct or $440/Soft Cover Case-40count + S&H. GOTO: http://na.org/?ID=OrderLiteratureOnline-NAW to order.
Bonner S, RD