Clean & Free 2020 Canceled / Posponed Announcement & FAQ
Clean & Free Emergency Notice
Conventions and Events Subcommittee
Washington Northern Idaho Region
P.O. Box 55064
Shoreline, WA 98155
In the spirit of transparency, we are sharing the following letter that was sent to the Convention Manager at Ocean Shores regarding the current situation of the event.
Also included at the bottom of this email is a FAQ for C&F 2020 Registrants that we hope will address all immediate concerns you may be having.
A letter to the Convention Manager
Dear Ocean Shores Convention Manager:
The Fellowship Services Association made the difficult decision to cancel the annual Clean and Free event schedules this weekend. We have monitored the COVID-19 situation carefully, and Washington state is the epicenter of the virus spreading in the United States. It is our understanding that Governor Inslee is banning large events of over 250 people in some counties, and our primary concern is the health and safety of the Ocean Shores community and our members attending.
We feel the responsible decision is not to hold a large event with the potential health risks, even though we know many will be disappointed by this decision. We have been contacted by members of the community asking that we postpone or cancel, and we have spoken to local officials. Our decision wasn’t made lightly and we apologize about the impact it will have.
We have met in Ocean Shores annually for more than two decades, and hope to continue to meet for many decades to come. In the interest of being a good neighbor and demonstrating our commitment to the welfare of Ocean Shores residents, we believe me made the right decision based on the facts we have.
In that spirit, we would appreciate anything you can do to help us. There is a significant economic impact to our non-profit, all-volunteer organization. No one involved with Clean and Free is paid. Specifically, are there any dates in late September or October that we could reschedule the event, and would you transfer our deposit and contract to those dates? Alternatively, if rescheduling isn’t possible, will you consider applying our 2020 contract deposit to 2021 rather than assessing the liquidated damages provision of the contract?
We appreciate your consideration of these extraordinary circumstances and look forward to working with you for many years in the future.
Luann M. C and E 2020 Liaison
Tracy L., Convention and Events Chair, WNIRNA
Cindy S. Clean and Free 2020 Chair
FAQ for Clean and Free 2020 Registrants
Frequently Asked Questions/QA regarding Clean & Free 2020 Cancellation/Postponement
Q: Will Clean and Free 2020 be rescheduled?
A: We don’t know, but a decision will be announced no later than April 15.
Q: Why did you cancel Clean and Free?
A: The circumstances for Clean and Free 2020 are extraordinary. Washington state is currently at the US epicenter of a global pandemic from concerns with COVID-19 (coronavirus). While there are different opinions regarding the danger, all reliable sources recommend that large crowds be avoided. In Narcotics Anonymous, we as individuals and service committees are requested to “practice these principles in all our affairs.” These principles include becoming responsible, productive members of society and to be honest, considerate of others and mature in our actions and decisions. We believe the difficult decision to cancel was the most principled decision we could make.
Q: Why did you cancel before the ban of groups larger than 250 in King, Snohomish and Pierce Counties was even announced?
A: There are two reasons. The first is that the convention speakers were flying in from the East Coast and had to be notified before boarding early Wednesday morning. There were already several speakers that due to their own health reasons, had made the difficult decision not come, even before we cancelled this weekend’s event. Our programming committee is working with the airlines to get either refunds or credits so that the monies already spent can possibly be used in the future. The second reason is that public health experts are recommending that events like Clean and Free are not safe in our current public health emergency. On March 11, the World Health Organization raised the COVID-19 (coronavirus) concern to a global pandemic. On March 10, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases recommended that all public gatherings in communities affected by COVID-19 (coronavirus) be cancelled, and on March 11, Governor Inslee announced a prohibition on all gatherings of over 250 people in King, Snohomish and Pierce County and suggested the ban could be expanded in the coming days. Governor Inslee further stated that, “this is not a time for people to be going out in public.”
Q: Will there still be merchandise available?
A: Yes, merchandise was ordered. Once we know if Clean and Free 2020 is cancelled or postponed more information about merchandise will be available.
Q: I pre-ordered merchandise? How do I get it?
A: Please send an email to:
Q: How do I get a refund for my registration?
A: If you need a refund of your registration, we will work with you and a process of how to do that will be announced soon. However, before you request a refund**, we would like to ask you to consider helping us in this extraordinary challenging time. We have more bills and expenses that we have money. Everyone who works on Clean and Free is a volunteer and recovering addict. We are in a difficult financial situation, and if you can postpone your refund request, or donate your registration to Clean and Free, it will make a huge difference. We deeply appreciate you considering helping us.
**We encourage all members to avoid filing a dispute with PayPal. In our experience, once a dispute is filed, your request into a process that will take much longer (up to 60 days) for resolution. Additionally, during a dispute, refunds may not be actionable (tie our hands) on our behalf when PayPal enter the dispute into investigatory mode during open dispute case.
Q: I have already paid for my rental/hotel/condo and it is non-refundable. Can I still go to Ocean Shores?
A: At this time, there are no restrictions on travel within the state. We suggest contacting your housing arrangements and see what they can do in this extraordinary circumstance. Check to see if they are willing to credit for a future possible rental should we be able to secure another 2020 date.( For example, a major company home rental company has a policy on eligible reservations that can be cancelled without charges, including “Guests who are traveling to or from severely impacted areas”). If you do decide to go ahead and visit the community this weekend, be mindful of the current Washington State and future guidelines. Our Fourth Tradition gives us guidance here.
Q: I heard that there are going to be bonfire meetings and people selling alterative merchandise out of their cars this weekend even though Clean and Free won’t be happening. Are you banning those activities?
A: All of us involved in Clean and Free are disappointed that the convention is not taking place as we expected. While we don’t have control over members who chose to go to Ocean Shores this weekend, we suggest that those visiting the community be ever mindful of placing principles above personalities and that the Ocean Shores community views all of us as members of the recovery community.
Q: I have a great idea/concern about how to mitigate/fundraise/do this differently. Who do I talk to?
A: We appreciate your patience while we work out the details. This situation facing the fellowship is unprecedented. Our host committees work 13-months to bring the annual event to the fellowship using budgets, guidelines and knowledge gained by our predecessors. Answers will be communicated as soon as we find solutions. We welcome all input and those who wish to be of service, can attend the next meeting when the date is sent. In the meantime, you may email: with your ideas.
Q: I need a meeting or to talk to someone in recovery.
A: For current meeting information, please refer to the following link:
Clean and Free 2020 Anouncement 3/10/20
Dear NA Members,
The Washington N. Idaho Region and Clean and Free host committee has been monitoring the COVID-19 (coronavirus) concern closely. The safety of Clean and Free attendees and the Ocean Shores community are our main concern.
On March 11th, Governor Inslee is expected to ban public gatherings of 250 people or more in some Washington counties. While we aren’t sure if Ocean Shores will be part of this ban, we were told by the City Administrator of Ocean Shores earlier today that Clean and Free cannot use the convention center if or when a ban occurs.
We regret that we have made the difficult decision to cancel or postpone Clean and Free, which was scheduled March 12 to 15, 2020. We will have more information within the next few days and will communicate answers to the many questions our members understandably have.
This decision wasn’t reached lightly. Our guiding principle was how do we practice the principles of our program and act as responsible members of society in a situation that none of us have previously experienced.
Thank you for your support and understanding.
Tracy L., C&E Chair
Cindy S., Clean and Free 2020 Chair
Clean & Free COVID-19 Announcement
Conventions and Events Subcommittee
Washington Northern Idaho Region
P.O. Box 55064
Shoreline, WA 98155
Regarding the event Clean and Free, being held on March 12-15, 2020:
Our host committee has worked long and hard to plan and organize this year’s event for all addicts to enjoy.
There has been some concern regarding the expanding outbreak of the COVID-19 (Corona Virus), and we wanted to ensure everyone that at this time the event will be held as planned. We will continue to monitor the outbreak, and will follow any guidelines and/or restrictions that may be imposed by the Washington State Department of Health and/or the Center for Disease Control for large events of this nature.
At this time the Washington State Department of Health’s website advises that you should not “attend large events, such as sporting events, conferences, or other community events if you are sick, do not feel well, or someone in your home is sick.” We encourage you to follow these restrictions to protect others and to plan accordingly should you fall ill. We encourage you to please consult with your own medical provider should you have concerns about attending the event.
The virus is primarily spread by coughing/sneezing in the air and direct contact with others that are infected such as hand shakes or hugs. It is our hope members attending will be mindful and follow the suggestion of limited personal contact with others. We also ask that you please respect others if they do not wish to have personal contact. This is for their protection and yours.
The host committee is arranging to have additional handwashing stations available at each of the venues. Washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available are your best methods for preventing the spreading of germs.
We encourage everyone to stay informed and to read through the information related to the COVID-19 (Corona Virus), on the Washington State Department of Health and Center for Disease Control websites:
With these precautions in effect we believe that we will have a safe and fun weekend full of recovery together. The Serenity Keepers and Public Information will have additional information for convention attendees at the convention if any questions should arise.
We thank you for taking extra precautions, and look forward to seeing you at Clean and Free 2020.
In loving service,
The Washington Northern Idaho Regional Service Committee Admin Body
Conventions and Events Subcommittee & Clean and Free 2020 Host Committee
Clean & Free COVID-19 Announcement
Conventions and Events Subcommittee
Washington Northern Idaho Region
P.O. Box 55064
Shoreline, WA 98155
Regarding the event Clean and Free, being held on March 12-15, 2020:
Our host committee has worked long and hard to plan and organize this year’s event for all addicts to enjoy.
There has been some concern regarding the expanding outbreak of the COVID-19 (Corona Virus), and we wanted to ensure everyone that at this time the event will be held as planned. We will continue to monitor the outbreak, and will follow any guidelines and/or restrictions that may be imposed by the Washington State Department of Health and/or the Center for Disease Control for large events of this nature.
At this time the Washington State Department of Health’s website advises that you should not “attend large events, such as sporting events, conferences, or other community events if you are sick, do not feel well, or someone in your home is sick.” We encourage you to follow these restrictions to protect others and to plan accordingly should you fall ill. We encourage you to please consult with your own medical provider should you have concerns about attending the event.
The virus is primarily spread by coughing/sneezing in the air and direct contact with others that are infected such as hand shakes or hugs. It is our hope members attending will be mindful and follow the suggestion of limited personal contact with others. We also ask that you please respect others if they do not wish to have personal contact. This is for their protection and yours.
The host committee is arranging to have additional handwashing stations available at each of the venues. Washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available are your best methods for preventing the spreading of germs.
We encourage everyone to stay informed and to read through the information related to the COVID-19 (Corona Virus), on the Washington State Department of Health and Center for Disease Control websites:
With these precautions in effect we believe that we will have a safe and fun weekend full of recovery together. The Serenity Keepers and Public Information will have additional information for convention attendees at the convention if any questions should arise.
We thank you for taking extra precautions, and look forward to seeing you at Clean and Free 2020.
In loving service,
The Washington Northern Idaho Regional Service Committee Admin Body
Conventions and Events Subcommittee & Clean and Free 2020 Host Committee
Legal Petition
RD1 Theo asked IT to post the following to the website.
You may or may not be aware of the fact that NA World Services has received a legal petition filed with the Los Angeles Superior Court, challenging its activities as trustee of the Fellowship Intellectual Property Trust. Some US regions received copies from the petitioner.
All of us at NA World Services are in the unenviable position of having to be cautious with what we say, because this is an active legal issue. We take our duties and responsibilities assigned to us by the World Service Conference very seriously, and will respond appropriately and based on NA’s principles. We regret this diversion of attention and resources. We will keep you informed as we are able.
Hello everyone,
We are writing with updates about the World Convention, World Service Conference reports, and the Spiritual Principle a Day project.
We have set the dates for WCNA 38 in Melbourne, Australia: 9-12 September 2021. Most members will need a visa to attend. Typically, visas are good for one year. We suggest that you begin your process of visa application after we go on sale in September 2020.
We are happy to announce that we have finalized a site for WCNA 39. After almost 30 years, the World Convention will be returning to Washington, DC, 29 August 1 September 2024!
For the latest news about the World Convention, subscribe to WCNA Updates via email:
Both the Conference Agenda Report (CAR) and the Conference Approval Track (CAT) material have been posted at We have also posted videos that cover the CAR and PowerPoints for both the CAR and CAT material. Please dont hesitate to email if you have any questions.
Spiritual Principle a Day (SPAD)
The second batch of drafts for the SPAD book project is out for review and input until 1 March 2020. You can find the drafts and online forms to submit your input on the project page: Thank you to everyone who gave input on the first batch of entries.
If you scroll down on the project page, youll find links to send in your own writing on spiritual principles and to hold workshops to generate material for the book. Please, spread the word. Together, we can write a book!
World Board
Region Rescheduled Feb 7-8
Hello all, I have rescheduled RSC. We will meet Feb 7-8. Everyone will need to call and change their room reservations. If you book with holiday inn or redlion be sure to say you are with FSA when changing your reservation so you can get our reduced rate.
I will see you all next month
Ils, Billie Jean
CAR 2020
The moment many of you have been waiting for is here: The 2020 Conference Agenda Report (CAR) has been posted at Versions in Arabic, French, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish will be published by 26 December 2019. We are working on PowerPoints and videos to help with CAR workshops. We will post these as soon as we can to Thank you for your patience.
We mailed copies of the CAR to Conference participants, zonal contacts, regional service committees, and zonal forums this week. We will fill all orders for paper copies of the CAR as quickly as we can. If you would like to order paper copies , you can do so using the order form posted on the Conference page or through our webstore Each copy costs $13.50, which includes shipping and handling, but does not include taxes.
Once again, the CAR includes a survey about literature, service material, and Issue Discussion Topics. This time, the survey also includes some questions about literature and service material categories and accessibility. Please fill out the survey and pass the word so others can complete it, too: This years CAR also includes a draft of a proposed new IP, Mental Health in Recovery, motions from the Board related to the Fellowship Intellectual Property Trust and the Strategic Plan, essays, a Fellowship survey, and eleven regional motions, among other items.
Along with the CAR, we mailed and posted the second batch of material for review and input from the Spiritual Principle a Day (SPAD) Project. Please visit the project page and check it out: Input on this batch is due 1 March 2020.
A number of other items are included in the mailing to Conference participants. The registration and housing form must be filled out by 1 March. The regional report form is due by 15 February. These forms are also posted at for download or online completion. We also included a memo that explains how to make travel arrangements, the Conference participant mailing list, and the Delegates Sharing Newsletter (with helpful information for all Conference participants).
Happy Thanksgiving to our US members. Happy reading to all.
Yours in Service,
World Board
Web Meetings Reviewing GSR Basics
We are emailing you today with the news that we have scheduled a Local Service Toolbox Project web meeting for November 21st at 1pm Pacific daylight time. The focus of the meeting will be to review the revised draft of GSR Basics.Please pay close attention to the date and time of the meeting in relation to your time zone.
Please note: we mistakenly specified the meeting time as Pacific daylight time in our last email, which was incorrect. The meeting is at 1pm Pacific standard time.
We are busy incorporating the input to the first draft of the tool, and are grateful to those of you that took the time to share your thoughts. The revised draft will be sent out early next week so that you have time to read it before the meeting on Thursday.
To remind you the first draft of the tool is available on the project webpage here If youre not able to join us on the 21st we would still like to hear your thoughts and ideas so please share them via an email to
To join the Zoom meeting, click on this link:
Meeting ID: 676 278 6747
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,6762786747# US (San Jose)
+16465588656,,6762786747# US (New York)
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Find your local number:
If you have not participated in a Zoom web meeting with us before, we ask that you please review the Web Meeting Participant Orientation document posted on the WSC webpage here If you have any questions about using Zoom or the web meeting itself, please email for assistance.
We hope to see you soon!
The Toolbox Team
NAWS Update 11/7/2019
We are writing with three announcements: the latest batch of SPAD material has been posted for review and input, the Conference Agenda Report (CAR) order form is online, and Sponsorship Day is coming up. For more information on all, see below.
SPAD Drafts Posted for Input
We just posted the second batch of review and input (R&I) drafts for the Spiritual Principle a Day Book Project. Between now and 1 March 2020, we encourage you to review all or part of what weve put together and give us your feedback.
Youll find everything you need to participate in R&I at Spiritual Principle a Day (SPAD) Book Project landing page, including:
- Drafts to download:
- 45 entries addressing eight spiritual principles
- A preface that includes the full list of principles
- Links to forms for your input:
- An online form for each section
- A comprehensive form that you can download and print
- Background on the project, information about how we used material from the Fellowship to develop these entries, and tools for creating more material.
Your input will shape our revisions and provide direction for the remaining entries. Together with the advance material thats being generated by NA communities around the world, your input will help us create a book that truly reflects our Fellowship-wide experience, strength, and hope.
Thanks, in advance, for participating in the R&I process. The deadline for input on this second batch of R&I is 1 March 2020.
Please feel free to send your questions, concerns, or other comments about the R&I process to
Conference Agenda Report Availability
The English-language CAR will be posted on and available for sale on 26 November 2019. We mail copies of the CAR at our cost to all Conference participants, regional service committees, and zonal forums. Any other member or service body can purchase hard copies from NA World Services for $13.50 (Catalog Item No. 9140). The price includes shipping and handling, but not taxes.
The translated versions (French, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, and for the first time, Arabic!) will be published and posted by 26 December 2019.
Orders can be placed beginning Friday 22 November directly through our webstore, with credit card, or via mail/ fax with a check payment or an account number using the order form posted at
Sponsorship Day
The Second Annual NA Sponsorship Day is coming up soon on 1 December. We have a flyer posted on our events page: and we created a medallion to commemorate this day. You can order Sponsorship Day medallions from our webstore using the product number #9602 beginning the week of 18 November at a discountable price of $5.00:
In service,
Your World Board