SE Quadrant CAR workshop hosted by Blue Mt. Area

NE Quadrant to host CAR Workshop SUNDAY Dec13!!

NW Quadrant CAR Workshop to be hosted by Seattle Area

MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Seattle Area, SUNDAY, Jan10, 2016…
Seattle Area is hosting the NW Quadrant CAR Workshop for this World Service Conference Cycle on SUNDAY afternoon, January10, 2016 from 1-4pm @ the Lake City Community Center, 12531 28th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98125. RCM’s PLEASE TAKE THIS TO YOUR ASC’s to let ALL of your GSR’s know to show up that Sun aft’n ready to learn about the 14motions and other pertinent info in the 2016 Conference Agenda Report!
A flyer will be posted/sent out ASA one is developed! As ever, MWBR!!
In Loving Service:
Bonner, RD
The 2016 Conference Agenda Report and the Traditions book approval form are online!
Greetings from NA World Services,
We have posted a lot of information to our website today. Many of you were also mailed copies of this material.
We have posted the 2016 Conference Agenda Report (CAR) at for free download and it is also available for sale at $15.00, including shipping, handling, and taxes. The order form for paper copies can be found on the Conference page. The online version is password protected; the user name is wsc2016, and the password is CP2016.
We are very excited to present the approval draft of Guiding Principles: The Spirit of Our Traditions, as an addendum to this CAR. Thanks to all of the helpful input we received from the Fellowship, this draft literature has improved dramatically. We believe it will go a long way in helping members to discuss, understand, and practice the Twelve Traditions in NA, in service, and in our lives. Please note: the electronic file of the approval draft is a PDF that will expire 1 May 2016.
Sometime in the first week of December we will also be posting four videos of the CAR. These are narrated PowerPoints intended to help in the review of this document. We have posted other documents on the Conference page, many of them most relevant to delegates and alternates. We encourage anyone interested to to see what is there.
We have also posted and mailed a large packet of information about planning the future of the WSC and the role of zones at This includes a PowerPoint and video about the current dilemma of the WSC, results from workshops held on the Role of Zones this Conference cycle, and a summary of information about each zone in NA today, as well as graphics we hope will bring some of the data to life. There is interesting information here so we encourage you to check it out.
We have also posted the November 2015 NAWS News and product update at We encourage you to check out the information and our new inventory items, including a Seventh Tradition box, keychain for the new laser etched medallions, and a Just for Today journal and 2016 calendar.
Thank you for allowing us to serve.
NA World Services
Quadrant CAR Workshop Update
This is updated info on the upcoming CAR workshops which are scheduled in the region’s quadrants:
NE Quadrant: Northeast Area of NA: to be held in Spokane on SUNDAY, Dec13.
SE Quadrant: Blue Mtn Area: to be held in Walla Walla on SATURDAY, Jan16.
SW Quadrant: THE Lewis County Area: to be held in Chehalis on SUNDAY, Jan17,
at the Seventh Day Adventist Church.
NW Quadrant: Seattle Area is still waiting to book w/ their chosen facility but cannot until December, yet their
hopeful date is SUNDAY, Jan10.
MWBR (More Will Be Revealed) as soon as I hear anything as to venue & time of day bookings…!
Bonner S, Regional Delegate
The Conference Agenda Report for WSC2016 has been released…
Just an update that the WSC2016 CAR has been released and available to download at, using the username: wsc2016 & the password: CP2016
This is the link to the 2016 CAR. Copy & Paste it to your browser if it won’t connect:
In Loving Service:
Bonner S, Regional Delegate
C&E Guidelines updated Nov, 2015
The Conventions and Events Sub-Committee Guidelines updated for Nov, 2015 and is available on Service Guidelines page to view/download. Please note the date stamp of the first page, if the date stamp still says “July, 2015” please refresh the page to update.
C&E Guidelines updated Nov, 2015
The Conventions and Events Sub-Committee Guidelines updated for Nov, 2015 and is available on Service Guidelines page to view/download. Please note the date stamp of the first page, if the date stamp still says “July, 2015” please refresh the page to update.
Regional Delegate Quarterly Reports Oct, 2015
Our Regional Delegate Quarterly Reports (Oct, 2015) are available online: