WSC Day 2!

WSC Regional Delegate Blog

World Service Conference

Apr25, 2016: Day2

Aye yi yi, this day has been l-o-o-o-o-n-g what with being in Old Business Discussion starting @ 9am. We just literally started our 11th hour of deliberation a few minutes ago @ 8:30pm after a break for supper.

We first discussed and voted to approve WSC2014 minutes. Then spent 1½ hours discussing Motions 15-17 which set the parameters for Consensus Based Decision Making @ WSC. They all passed & were immediately put into play.

Discussion for approval of the Guiding Principles: The Spirit of Our Traditions immediately followed. Eventual straw polling shows almost unanimous support w/ 111Yes/1No/OAb/0 PNV(Present Not Voting). This will move into Formal Old Business where it will most assuredly be approved!

Rather lengthy discussion on a follow-up amendment to change the word €œpractice€ to €œhave€ in regard to early other fellowship Tradition involvement drew out with initial support close to 50% yet finished with under 12% support.

Next up: Motion 2 was the motion made by the World Board regarding the size of, eliminating staggered terms, & limiting WB service to 2 LIFETIME 6yr terms as opposed to the current two consecutive terms with strong initial support, yet moving to 66Y/42N/0Abs/4PNV. Two subsequent amendments to split it into three separate motions were introduced and eventually agreed upon. Another one to resubmit it back to the World Board for clarification for the 2018CAR if those amendments failed was amended, too, but not needed since the amend-to-split passed. The three separate motions then sailed through w/ 85%, 89%, & 98% support!

Motion 3 on the Mental Health IP was supported w/ 94Y/17N/1Abs/0PNV.

Motion 4 on posting the World Board (WB) minutes being posted online did not garner enough support for consensus: 29Y/81N/0Abs/2PNV w/ us voting PNV on this per our divided regional conscience.

A subsequent amendment to create an easy sign up for members to automatically receive WB minutes also failed: 25Y/80No/2Abs/3PNV.

Motion5 to detail the World Convention finances line item vs. summary accounting as is done now, failed 39Y/72N/1Abs/0PNV

Motion6 to open up the WB meetings to members on a space available basis was evenly split 54Y/54N/3Abs/1PNV. I voted PNV on this as well per our regional conscience. More eventual discussion will ensue on this motion.

We broke for supper at 6:40 after being in Conference since 2pm without any breaks at this point. We reconvened at 8:20pm.

To open up the Conference Participant Board on in Motion7 did not garner enough support for consensus but was close at 51Y/57N/3Abs/0NPV.

The motion to produce a much cheaper Basic Text in Motion8 failed 15Y/93N/1Abs/2PNV as did Motion9 which would direct the WB to post .pdf versions of all of our literature for free online with 8Y/103N/0Abs/0PNV.

Motion10 to hold the WSC2020 in Moscow also failed to garner consensus with 8Y/103N/1Abs/0PNV. Subsequent amendments to move the WSC outside the US also did not garner consensus support.

Motion11 to allow an un-seated delegate from a Zonal Forum to participate @ WSC as non-voting participant was initially failing 45Y/64N/2Abs/1PNV. The Delegates who were in support of this motion spoke very heartfelt-ly and with sincerity as to our purpose at the WSC & NA as whole. Subsequently, George & I decided to change our vote from NO to Present Not Voting due to the fact that the region voted 4Y/9N/6Abs on this motion. Yet your RD team felt that this would be the least offensive way for us to change our vote from affecting the final straw poll which was 60Y/49N/1Abs/1PNV. This will be further addressed in Formal Old Business.

A subsequent amendment to allow an un-seated Delegate to participate in WSC2018 as a voting participant at NAWS expense failed to garner consensus support: 26Y/82N/0Abs/4PNV.

Motion12 about the new €œWhat is NA Service€ meeting reading card hasnt yet garnered enough support for consensus. There are four subsequent amendments to it: Proposal T being withdrawn from consideration by the RD for it being similar to the others. Proposal Q is very close: 55Y/53N/4Abs/0PNV. The final straw poll on it was 29Y/81N/2Abs/0PNV. The other amendments were withdrawn since they were all similar. The final straw poll on Motion12 was 20Y/91N/1Abs/0PNV

Motion13: to change voting procedure at WSC to World Board members to have one collective vote instead of the current up to 18. Initial straw poll was 41Y/63N/4Abs/4PNV. Formal Old Business will address this further as little to no movement happened with 41Y/65N/3Abs/3PNV.

And finally Motion14 is being addressed at 12:30am! The initial & final straw poll was 19Y/91N/0Abs/2PNV, which would have limited the World Board from motions or proposals at the WSC.

Holy cow. Whatta day! But we got through all of Old Business Discussion & will start into Formal Old Business at 9am.

As ever, stay tuned, as more will be revealed€¦

Good night & blessings to all!

Yours in Loving service:

Bonner S, RD


Day One of WSC2016!!

Dear chosen family:

The first day of WSC has come & gone. Our first session yesterday morning was entitled, “First Things First”, which introduced all World Board members & gave us all an introductory look into what to expect this Conference. Next 90min session introduced our new electronic voting devices(!) & how to use them! That afternoon we gathered in small work groups to review the “Needs of NA” mind-map that was developed @ WSC2014, where we offered additions, omissions, & revisions to it. The rest of WSC will build upon the work from each prior session.

At 4pm we met back “in the risers” for the “Process for Business Sessions at WSC2016” w/ a focus on using electronic voting. We also reviewed the following:

Business sessions at WSC

There will be 3 motions on changing motions and proposals in 2016. They are designed to eliminate unlimited and allow diverse participation and discussion.

These were revised from very long motions.

Motion 15
To move forward if there is 80% support instead of continuing discussion of something that has such strong support only after 2 members from the opposition side speak to it, and a 2nd straw poll is done and there is still 80% support—

Motion 16
The facilitator has the ability to manage the discussions by using the following approaches:
The Facilitator may conduct intermediate straw polls to measure any change of support for the motion or proposal
The facilitator may declare that discussion is closed will end after a specific speaker, or the facilitator may close the queue.
There can be an objection and then another straw poll will be conducted

Motion 17
Straw poll terminology
Unanimous Support
Strong Support——2/3
Support——-simple majority
Lack of support——less than simple majority
Strong lack of support—less than 1/3 support
No Support

This is separate from motions
The Facilitators also will manage the queue and let those who have not spoken in the session go first to allow a broad range of participants to address the WSC. —we voted yes..98 yes 6 no 4 abstain 1 present not voting

That session ran long & we broke before voting on Motions 15-17. We will take them up this morning @ 9am during the start of Old Business Discussion.

After supper, we had the first ever Delegate prepared Delegate Sharing session where we broke into smaller groups and discussed various aspects of the spiritual principles entailed in WSC2016; namely: Honesty, Trust, & Goodwill, but Unity, Faith, and Compassion, to boot. Very intriguing.

Lastly, I attended Boyd & Chris’s EXCELLENT PowerPoint Presentation on the history of our Basic Text . It didn’t start until 9:45pm and went until 11:30. Am so psyched that these two will be bringing this great workshop & the Early History of NA to Clean & Free2017.

As stated earlier, OB Discussion starts in just over 8hrs. This will prove to be another l-o-o-o-n-g day “in the risers”…

Yours in loving service:

Bonner S, RD

Regional Delegate Team Workshops @ Clean & Free 2016!

Hello Family!:

George, your RDA & I, your RD, will be presenting 3 workshops at the Clean & Free 2016 convention in Ocean Shores this upcoming weekend.

First up: FRIDAY, Mar11, 1:30-5:30pm- We will present the last Conference Agenda Report (CAR) workshop of this World Service Conference cycle.

SATURDAY, Mar12, 11am-12:30pm –  WSC (World Service Conference)-Your Voice Is Heard! A run down of all items that will be voted on at the WSC.

SATURDAY, Mar12, 1:30-3pm – Come play the game of Jeopardy® based upon the CAR & WSC. Prizes will be awarded to the winning team of five contestants!

ALL workshops will be held in the Tide Room at the Ocean Shores Convention Center!

Come out, learn about the WSC! Support yer RD Team! These will be our last workshops until WNIRCNA in late May.


Bonner S, RD

George B-H, RDA

Regional Delegate Team Workshops @ Clean & Free 2016!

Hello Family!:

George, your RDA & I, your RD, will be presenting 3 workshops at the Clean & Free 2016 convention in Ocean Shores this upcoming weekend.

First up: FRIDAY, Mar11, 1:30-5:30pm- We will present the last Conference Agenda Report (CAR) workshop of this World Service Conference cycle.

SATURDAY, Mar12, 11am-12:30pm –  WSC (World Service Conference)-Your Voice Is Heard! A run down of all items that will be voted on at the WSC.

SATURDAY, Mar12, 1:30-3pm – Come play the game of Jeopardy® based upon the CAR & WSC. Prizes will be awarded to the winning team of five contestants!

ALL workshops will be held in the Tide Room at the Ocean Shores Convention Center!

Come out, learn about the WSC! Support yer RD Team! These will be our last workshops until WNIRCNA in late May.


Bonner S, RD

George B-H, RDA

Upcoming Service System Project webinar hosted by NAWS…

This is an email sent from Nick E, who is spear-heading the NAWS webinar on Mar4.  ANY/ALL interested folk should contact him to register…


Bonner S, RD

Hello everyone We are emailing today to let you know that we have tentatively scheduled another web meeting for communities that are already trying or who are interested in trying some of the ideas that have come out of the service system project. As with the last meeting it is not intended to be an introduction to the ideas, but more of a conversation about how to take the ideas off the drawing board and into practice. The proposed date and time are March 4 at 3pm PST.

We have two communities that are willing to participate by sharing their experience and would like to include a third. If your community has some experience with implementing ideas from the project and you would be able to join us for the meeting please let us know.  We are happy to provide any assistance you may need in presenting your information.

As before we will be utilizing Adobe Connect for the meeting and will send out another email with instructions nearer the time.

We realize that the proposed timeslot won’€™t work for everyone so if you have any ideas for a more convenient time please let us know and we will try and accommodate you in future meetings.

We look forward to hearing from you, and to your participation in the upcoming web meeting.
With all good wishes,



NA World Services

818 773 9999 ext 155

CAR Workshop Updates

Hello All:

This is just a quick post regarding the three CAR workshops that the RD team has done since the release of the CAR in Nov2015.  We did our first one in the NE Quadrant in Spokane on Dec13 w/ 21 in attendance.  We presented one to the RSC Friday evening, Jan8, which was received well by them.  Then on Sunday, Jan10 we did yet another one in the NW Quadrant in Seattle where close to sixty attended from many areas such as

North Puget Sound, Everett, Pierce County, West Puget Sound, North Olympic Peninsula, and, of course, the Seattle Area, too.  We had an addict attending from Portland!  This workshop seemed to be received well, too.

We will be traveling to the SE Quadrant in Walla Walla this Saturday, Jan16, then our final Quadrant Workshop in the SW Quad in Chehalis, Saturday, Jan17.  Stay tuned for more updates on those workshops and the upcoming workshops at Clean & Free 2016, Mar10-13.

PLZ let us know if you have ANY questions regarding contents on the CAR!


Bonner S, RD

RD team report Q1, 2016


Regional Delegate Quarterly Report

Washington Northern Idaho Region

Dear Chosen Family:

Lots have transpired since October’€™s RSC. So let’€™s get to it.

It is now Conference Agenda Report AKA CAR time which means that the World Service Conference is drawing nigh. George & I are ready. Are you & your Area?

I attended our Regional Service Learning Days in Kennewick back in Nov6-7. Enjoyed the workshops, the fundraiser supper & especially Linda L’€™s Experience/Strength/Hope share oriented around NA service. That Saturday night, back in

Bremerton realizing that I had a rental car for the remainder of the weekend and remembering my desire to travel to EACH & EVERY ASC within the Region during my tenure as RD, I searched online to find the closest ASC held on the 2nd Sunday of the month. Southwest Washington Area won! I surprised them with my presence, offering nothing other than to observe their process. Continuing my ASC tour I ventured out to North Olympic Peninsula Area on Dec27 to promote the upcoming Quadrant CAR Workshops, then to South Puget Sound Area this past Sun, Jan3 to promote them there, too. I handed out CAR workshop flyers at both. As my tenure continues, don’€™t be surprised if I show up at your ASC. I will try to announce my arrival in advance, though. I have been asked by NOPA to conduct an Area Inventory for them, which I will most likely do in February after this cray-cray busy month ends!

George & I both traveled to the Northeast Area of NA to present our first CAR workshop in Spokane on Dec13 where 21 total were in attendance yet only 5 GSRs.‚ We thought that the presentation was a success even though we ran outta time on the last Regional Motions and had to present them with limited discussion.‚  I say successful because it gave us the knowledge that we indeed were ready to present all the workshops in each Quadrant and this Friday at RSC.

As most of you all are likely yet may not be aware, the CAR was released to the Fellowship on November24. It is available for download at This page on World’€™s website has many links to downloadable links including the approval draft of the long awaited Traditions Book, entitled Guiding Principles: The Spirit of Our Traditions, a revised CAR2016 Tally Sheet, plus informational videos & Power Point Presentations with scripts for presenting CAR workshops or to just understand them better on one’€™s own. There is also a link to the Regional Report Form which needs to be completed/submitted to World Services by Feb15, so if you have not answered the questions that George e-blasted to all RCMs this past week, then CHOP-CHOP! We request that the answers be submitted back to us by Jan15.

The CAR contains 14motions total; two from the World Board and 12 presented by individual regions. Also in it are surveys on which upcoming NA literature the Fellowship wants NAWS to focus on next. There is also a Planning Our Future section with extensive data from the Role of Zones workshops. Tally sheets are presented in it for Area Tallies on the motions and the literature survey which will be distributed at all CAR workshops.

After RSC where we will conduct a CAR workshop Friday night, George & I will present them in the three remaining Quadrants by the third Sunday of January: NW Quadrant in Seattle on the 10th, SE Quadrant on Jan16 in Walla Walla, and the SW Quadrant in Chehalis, Jan17.‚  All of these workshops and flyers have been posted to our Regional website: ‚ A final CAR workshop will be presented during Clean & Free the 2nd weekend of March. Also that weekend we will be presenting items contained in the CAT or Conference Approval Track in yet another workshop which will have results from Decision Making at the WSC, a workgroup formed after WSC2014 along with the Strategic Plan for NAWS where we will begin garnering a conscience on the CAT. Finally, we are working on & plan to present a fun interactive workshop on the CAR based on the Jeopardy‚® trivia game!‚ Don’€™t forget that all responses have to be in the form of a question!! As ever, more will be revealed. We whole-heartedly thank Kia, as Programming Chair, for arranging our workshop time slots during C&F!

After attending the workshops you & your area’€™s GSRs should be ready to present the CAR’€™s contents to your respective Areas & their Home Groups. You all will have just under 3months to gather the individual Group Consciences onto the Area tally sheets and bring them to April’€™s RSC where we will form the regional conscience to take to WSC2016.‚  Please stress to your GSRs the importance of their service position in the formulation of a Fellowship-wide conscience during this time!

In a related issue, the World Board was tasked with compiling a PR pamphlet providing information for professionals regarding the medicalization of addiction treatment and the NA Third Tradition which will be available by Jan23 for a 90’€“day review by Conference participants. An e-blast will be sent to CPs when the pamphlet is ready.

George & I will both travel to San Francisco for the Western States Zonal Forum Jan29-31 where all RD’€™s from the Western states regions will gather to workshop various topics regarding Zonal collaboration and probable development of Zonal Services in the future as well as 9hrs of CAR/CAT/NAWS Updates from WB member Mark H and NAWS staff.

Be sure to follow our doings at both WSZF & WSC on the RD blog on the regional website as we will update it during both conferences.


Bonner S, Regional Delegate

George B-H, Regional Delegate Alternate

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